A Timeline of What Happens to Your Body When You Stop Drinking Alcohol

Dara Laine Murray
6 min readApr 3, 2023

One of the nicest presents you can give yourself is to stop drinking. I could write a book on why this occurs, but today I want to concentrate on the advantages of sobriety for your health. Quitting drinking is a very underrated health tip that works better than even the most expensive and pure superfood powders and supplements.

If we don't drink, we might make better decisions, be more thoughtful, and be more likely to follow through. We also avoid polluting our priceless vessels. These activities help to promote a healthy, contented body and mind.

Knowing what positive changes are taking place in my body as I travel the recovery journey fascinates and inspires me as someone who has been clean for nearly three years.

I thought it would be helpful to talk about the health benefits of the first year of sobriety, broken down into manageable chunks, to give people who are interested in sobriety, just got sober, or need a little extra motivation a sense of control.

Use these benefits to help you decide to live a sober life or as a gentle reminder to recognize and appreciate the wonderful gifts of health you are getting from giving up drugs and alcohol.

A Timeline of What Happens to Your Body When You Stop Drinking Alcohol
Photo by Gregory Hayes on Unsplash

A Timeline of What Happens to Your Body When You Stop…



Dara Laine Murray

Multi-passionate sobriety writer on Medium. Day job: Director of Research at a nonprofit. Stories = sober + stats. Editor: https://medium.com/modern-sobriety