15 Crystals for Spring

Dara Laine Murray
9 min readMar 21, 2022

The Spring Equinox is often a time for cleansing and renewal. The balance between the Sun and the Earth helps us release our fears and embrace positivity. The plants are waking up, and you should too.

To help guide you during this time of year, here are 15 crystals that can help you focus, boost your energy, and clear space to call in something fresh and new.

All crystals on this list are part of the spring equinox sale: just type in SPRING20 and receive 20% off.

  1. Larimar
  2. Citrine



Dara Laine Murray

Multi-passionate sobriety writer on Medium. Day job: Director of Research at a nonprofit. Stories = sober + stats. Editor: https://medium.com/modern-sobriety